Welcome to Disco Daze! Do you remember Studio 54, Xenon, Crisco Disco, Justines, The Ipamena, Bond's, Ice Palace 57, The Cave, New York-New York, Galaxy 21, Follies, The Tropicana, Le Jardin, Infinity, Hippopotomus, Hurrah, Magique, The Red Parrot, Honey's, Yellow Brick Road, Peaches, Manhattan, The Bell, B&C's, The D, The 1270, OZ, 41 East 58th, Bacalls', Van Buren's, 20/20, Paradise Garage, The Saint, Torry's, The Copa, 12 West, Follies, The Lion's Den, The River Club, Night Life, Moonshadow, Tawalah, The Sahara, The Tigress, Aladdin's Cave, The Underground, The Area Club, Buttermilk Bottom, Manuevers, The Electric Circus, Cafe' Society, Suite 601, Le Mouche, Dappers, etc. If so, then you remember great discos/clubs in New York City, New Jersey and Boston, as well as places to dance and congregate. Yes, they were great times indeed. Relive these great times by yourself or with a friend by reading Disco Daze! We encourage you to share your disco delight stories with us as there were discos all over the world(not just on the east coast) and we welcome your story submissions . If you have any tasteful photos suitable for all ages, please send them as gifs or jpegs-not more than 60K in size. Send all stories as email, do not attach files. Thank You, Publisher
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Elton John at the Club Manatee Disco, Toronto Canada
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